We are a collaborative network of excellence, bringing together academics and researchers from renowned research institutions around the world. As a leading think tank in Digital Humanities, we are dedicated to advancing knowledge at the intersection of the humanities and digital technology.
Comprising experts with advanced training in areas such as Linguistics, Philosophy, Arts, History, Music, Communications, Psychology, and others, our research stands out for its interdisciplinary and international approach. Our members are researchers from prestigious institutions, bringing a diversity of perspectives and experiences to the critical analysis of cyberspace dynamics and their implications in society.
Our research is characterised by a commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and social impact. We conduct cutting-edge research, promote debates, and provide in-depth insights on the most pressing issues related to digital and humanistic interactions. Our goal is not only to contribute to academic advancement in Digital Humanities but also to influence policies and practices on a global scale in relation to the emerging challenges of the digital era.
Our Researchers:
Bittencourt, Renato - Ph.D 🇧🇷

Professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. Doctor of Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Master in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Bachelor of Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Cândido, Raul - M.Sc Candidate 🇧🇷

Expert in Forensic Linguistics, Expert in Digital Forense and Forensic Linguist associated with APECOF, IJEA, and member of the Digital Law Commission of the 25th subsection of the OAB/MG in Poços de Caldas. MSc candidate in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at the University of Portsmouth, holds the title of specialist in Forensic Linguistics from Unyleya, specialist in Offensive Security and Cybernetic Intelligence from VINCIT Faculty, and the Technologist’s Degree in Information Security from FAM.
Caterino, Antonello Fabio - Ph.D 🇮🇹

University lecturer and entrepreneur in the field of technology transfer. Holding a PhD in Rhetoric and Text Interpretation Sciences from the University of Calabria and in Italian Studies from the University of Lausanne, he currently teaches forensic linguistics in the master’s program ‘Terrorism, Prevention of Subversive Radicalization, Security, and Cybersecurity’ at the University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’. Formerly an Adjunct Professor in Italian Literature Philology at the University of Molise and in Forensic Linguistics at the SSML ‘Bona Sforza’ University Institute, he heads ‘Kepos – Biannual of Italian Literature’, a journal recognized for its scientific validity by ANVUR. Alongside his research and university teaching, he is actively involved in entrepreneurial activities aimed at the technological transfer of linguistic and philological subjects: he is the CEO of the National Institute of Forensic Linguistics SRL, an antique expert for ‘Enchiridio – Studio Bibliografico Antiquario’, director of the ‘Lo Stilo di Fileta’ Research Centre and of Aristodemica editions.
Cerato, Francesco - M.Phil 

Secondary School Teacher and Public Historian. Master Degree in Modern Philology and Graduated in Classical Studies at the Università del Sacro Cuore in Brescia, he collaborates as a subject expert in Ancient and Medieval Civilisations at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the same university. After starting his teaching career in a private institute in Brescia, he currently works in State High Schools in the Province. Passionate about digital humanities and particularly skilled in ancient sciences, he is the founder and manager of the educational project Studia Humanitatis – παιδεία.
Elicker, Ana - Ph.D 🇧🇷

PhD in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion (FEEVALE/23). Master in Letters (FEEVALE/2019), with specialization in language and technologies. Specialist in Neurolearning (UNINA/2020); Specialist in School Management (UFRGS/2011); Specialist in Adult Education (PUC/2005). Graduate in Letters (FEEVALE/2004). Ana works as a speaker and mentor in education, digital technologies, and communicative posture in the face of digital technologies for teachers. Producer and teacher of online courses in creative writing and digital literacy. Teacher with over 10 years of experience in school management, digital literacy, languages, multiliteracy, and interdisciplinarity. Winner of the state and regional (South Region) stages of the 11th Brazil’s Teachers Award. Resources Analyst at MEC/BRASIL. Received an honorary mention in Collèges et instituts Canada. Innovative Teacher Award, 3rd ed., Vale do Paranhana. Ana is also a writer. Researcher and CAPES/Brasil Scholarship holder.
Favaro, Francesca - Ph.D 🇮🇹

PhD in Italian Philology and Hermeneutics, in 2014 and again in 2019, obtained the National Scientific Qualification (second level) for the S.S.D. 10/F1: Italian Literature. She teaches letters (Italian, Latin, and Greek) at the Liceo Tito Livio in Padua; has taught Italian Literature, as a contract lecturer, at the Universities of Padua and Venice. Particularly interested in the relationship between Italian literature and the classical literatures, she has published numerous volumes and essays on authors of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries (Alessandro Verri, Monti, Cesarotti, and Barbieri, Foscolo); she has also dealt with the fortune of Sappho and Anacreon over the centuries; more recently, she has extended her research interests to some authors of the Seventeenth and Twentieth centuries, including Dino Buzzati, Anna Maria Ortese, Giovannino Guareschi, Andrea Camilleri. She has also written several volumes of stories, verses, and lyrical prose. Collaborates regularly with various literary publications and is co-founder and co-director of “Kepos. Biannual of Italian Literature”; she founded a Carnet de Recherche, Studiosus (https://studiosus.hypotheses.org) where proposes forms of ‘creative essay writing’.
Leucas, David - M.Phil Candidate 

Director and founder of Cluelab – Laboratory of Studies in Human Development; graduated in psychology (UVA); MSc Candidate in Philosophy at the science incentive program of PPGF/UFRJ, researching neuroscience, decision-making and artificial intelligence; Master degree in non-verbal behaviour and credibility analysis at UDIMA/Madrid; specialist in Neuropsychology (UCAM); FACS Certified Coder (PEG); official representative of Noldus IT in Brazil. Member of the research group in psychology and virtuality (IGT/UFRJ/CNPq); coordinator of the specialisation in non-verbal behaviour and credibility analysis at FACSM; judicial expert in credibility analysis (TRT/10); consultant in non-verbal behaviour analysis and socio-emotional skills development.
Moutinho, Douglas - Ph.D Candidate 🇧🇷

PhD candidate in Classical Letters at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ in the research line of Interdisciplinary Studies of Classical Antiquity, researching the relationship between cinema and history with a focus on the character of Julius Caesar; Master in Classical Letters from UFRJ in the research line of Interdisciplinary Studies of Classical Antiquity; Graduated in Portuguese/German Letters from UFRJ; Teaching Degree in History from UCP; Freelance Professor of History of Cinema and Cinematographic Language, working in university extension courses and online platforms; English and German Teacher; Author of the book “Jesus Christ and Cinema: an Analysis of the Representations of Jesus in the films of Duvivier, Pasolini, Zeffirelli, and Gibson”; and Member of the NIELIM-UFRJ group.
Ricon, Leandro - Ph.D 🇧🇷

Doctor and Master in History from the Institute of History, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGHC-IH-UFRJ), in Power and Discourse. Lecturer at the Catholic University of Petrópolis (UCP). Professor at the University of Pernambuco (UPE). Research Director at EnsinE College. Leader of the Study and Research Group in Theory of History and Education (GEPETHE). Researcher affiliated with the International Network for Theory of History. Researcher at the Laboratory for Research in Theory of History and Interdisciplinarity (LAPETHI) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ); and of the Study Group on Sociocultural History of Latin America (GEHSCAL) at the University of Pernambuco (UPE). Member of the Brazilian Society of Theory of History and Historiography; the National Association of History; and the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education.
Vichi, Leonardo - Ph.D 🇧🇷

Professor of German Studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. He holds a Post-Doctorate in International Relations from the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC, a PhD in Social History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro UFRJ and the Freie Universität Berlin, a Master’s in Comparative History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, and a Bachelor’s degree in German Studies from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. He has also studied Counterintelligence and Strategic Leadership at the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College. He is currently a Researcher in the Research Group on Strategic Studies and Contemporary International Policy of the Federal University of Santa Catarina – GEPPIC/UFSC. He works as an Expert in Forensic Linguistics, Graphotechnics, and Documentoscopy. He is also a musician and composer.